Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Savy couldn't wait to give Jon the father's day card she picked out. He felt like going out for breakfast this morninig, so Savy played outside while he got ready. Here are some pics of her with her new umbrella taken while we waited.

She wanted her picture taken with the tomato we're growing. We're down to 1 now...she sneaked and picked the other one a few days ago. I don't know if we'll ever have a tomato ripen on that plant.

She's very nosy...spying on the neighbors.

She is such a daddy's girl...she wanted to sit by him today and share his drink.

I found her all curled up, asleep in her swing this afternoon. She's claimed this as her chair...she's going to be so disappointed when she breaks it.


Ann said...

I love the two pony tails. She is so cute asleep in the baby swing.

Nanny said...

She looks so precious asleep in the swing. I also love the pictures of her and Jon. You can tell she adores him. I hope you are feeling good, Christy. Only 47 days to go. That's wonderful.