This next one is my favorite.
Savy's laughing at Kallie, who is just dying to get a lick of that lollipop...she's whining because I made her leave Savy alone.
Vita was very well-behaved and did not try to steal a lick.
It is so frustrating....when she is actually still for a moment, there is no time to even think about changing a setting. I'm getting really good at adjusting the shutter speed though!
That Lollipop is almost as big as Savy! I bet it got stuck in her hair a few times. I hope to see you soon. Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm impressed, your pictures are looking great. Where did you find that lollipop?
Thanks, but I'm getting a little discouraged. I got the lollipop at Wal-Mart.
It took me several months to get the hang of it. You will find that a lot of people think photography is easy, but it is a skill that you really have to practice and practice. Hang in there and you will eventually get... I promise!
Love these photos; I need alot of practice to get as good as I'd like to be with my SLR. Savy makes a good subject; Vita's awfully pretty too! Have a great Thanksgiving :-)
She is so pretty!
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