Saturday, April 14, 2012

Win Some, Lose Some

Savannah's team lost their soccer game today. The other team had a RINGER! There was a very good 7 year old on the other team this time....even though the age range for our teams is 4-6 years. The score was 5-4, so they held their own. Savy wasn't too disappointed because she scored another goal this game. Since Pappi has promised her $5 for every goal she scores this season, I think she's up to $20 now. He's going to pay up after her last game - just before we leave for Disney World, so she'll have her own spending money while we're there.

There was alot of excitement in the cove this afternoon. Abbey, Zoe, Mason, and Jared all celebrated their big day today with a HUGE party. Savy couldn't wait until it was time for the party and kept asking me all day, "is it time to go yet?" She kept looking out our front window to make sure they weren't starting without her. When she saw the mobile petting zoo pull up out front, she couldn't wait another minute!

There were train rides...

Critters to feed...

Horseback riding...

Turtle races...

Savannah loved these baby chicks!

So did Scarlett...a little too much. Scarlett hasn't learned how to be gentle with critters yet. She LOVES animals, but...well, here's an example of how she treats them...

So I tried to spare the chicks and "help" by holding them gently for Scarlett. When I was looking back through the photos I took today, this one freaked me out at first. I couldn't figure out who this was in the pic. I didn't realize Jon had been taking photos of me...I guess I didn't recognize myself because I never see myself from behind.

That just wasn't good enough, though, and Scarlett wanted to hold them herself. Here's sweet little Scarlett having one of her tantrums, clinging to my leg, and screaming, "Pleeeaaase, Momma, Plleeeeaaaasssseee!!!!" I'll be so glad when she's out of this stage...these little episodes happen way too often lately.

Soon she went on to torment the adult chickens.

Bottle feeding lambs

Savannah and Scarlett had a blast! Thanks to Abbey & Zoe and Mason & Jared for inviting the girls to their awesome party!

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