I haven't posted for a while because there really hasn't been much to talk about. Mimi took both girls to her house last weekend, so Jon and I had some alone time. We worked out together at the gym and then went to the range to shoot. When the girls got home, Savannah found my ear protection and decided this was just PERFECT to keep out all the noise around here (aka Scarlett fussing). It was getting quite annoying with Savy speaking reeaally loud and then saying "WHAT?" everytime we said something to her. I had to hide them when she went to bed.
Savannah has been helping keep Scarlett entertained. Here they are playing "Elefun".
We had a visitor the other night. Jon walked out the back door and came face to face with this beast.
It was a very pretty and very friendly dog, but it was HUGE! It hung around a little while...Jon offered it some food and water, but it just wanted company. This pic of Vita on the other side of the door should give you some idea of how large this dog was. Vita is 110 pounds (probably a little more than that right now), and this dog made Vita look small.
Scarlett experienced her first Moon Pie last week...she loved it.
Here's a sweet photo of Savy and Scarlett. They were lying on the floor watching TV, and Scarlett fell asleep. Savy covered her up with her favorite blankie...she's such a good big sis.
Scarlett showing off her pigtails.
I'm getting back into my routine of working out. I went to the gym Saturday night, and I went for a run yesterday. Now I'm wishing I'd gone to the gym tonight, too, but I just didn't feel like driving back into town. I did pilates instead - that'll do, I guess. I'm so anxious to get back to where I was before all this crap happened. For the last three days I've had lots of energy, so I'm hoping that will continue. I'm still having pretty bad reactions at my injection sites - I have either bruises or large red welts on every single site now. That's supposed to get better with time, though. I have a follow up with my neurologist next month, so we'll see what he thinks. If that's the only side effect I have from the meds, I can't really complain.
Love Scarlett's piggy tails. I cant believe how big she is. We need to get together!
Yes we do! I'm ready to come back for a visit and some Ajax chicken and dumplings.
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