I can't believe my baby girl is SEVEN!
Instead of a big themed party, we invited just a few friends for the party this year. Then Savy got to pick one friend to stay after the party for a movie and sleepover. She chose Taylor, and we all saw "Wreck-It Ralph".
With Mimi and Papi and the Furby she got for her birthday.
With Nanny and Lee Otis
Our wedding dress project photos are also due around Savannah's birthday. For those of you who don't know, around the same time every year, I take photos of the girls wearing my wedding dress. One day when they're all grown up, I'll give them a collage of the photos wearing my dress at each age. If you want to see the previous years, just click on the Wedding Dress Project label over to the right. I took a ton...here are just a few.
Scarlett was not at all cooperative this year, but I did get a couple of decent ones.
Christmas morning!
Santa didn't forget Malice...she loved the piece of reindeer antler he brought her.
This is the playhouse I built for the girls. I cut it pretty close this year...I had a hard time working on it since Jon was out of town for two weeks right before Christmas. I'll post pics of it decorated later.
I'll slip in a little video of the girls dancing to their favorite Christmas tune.
After we opened presents here at home, we left for Mimi's house. I took a ton of pics there, but I'm just too lazy to post them all. I thought this one was really sweet though...Scarlett and Lee Otis.
After Mimi's house, we were off to the Delta to see Granny Ruth and Aunt Lesa. We spent several days there visiting family. Savannah was dying to go hunting while we were there, but her daddy doesn't have a hunting license. John Robert was nice enough to take her out for a while. Isn't she just darling in camo?
Once we were home, it was time to put presents together - joy. The Barbie vacation house wasn't too hard.
But this sucker was! Mine Shaft...400 million pieces and it took me HOURS to put it together.

So there's what we've been up to for the last few months. Til next time :)